Monday, February 9, 2009

My Crazy Busy Weekend

This past weekend was crazy busy. Saturday was clean the house, and loads of laundry. Then my hubby and I got to go out together with my family to celebrate my Grandma's birthday (The kids got to hang out with their "Aunt" so they had fun too). We all went to dinner and a play, nearby at Redeemer Collage University. The play was "Fiddler on the Roof" and it was wonderful. All the better because my brother in law was in the play and I know they worked so hard for months and months to put on a great show for everyone.
Then Sundays are always busy. Church in the morning, then this week was what they called "Mission Im-pie-sable". You sign up as a host or a guest the week before. Then after church the hosts pick up a pie and invite those whose names are listed on the bottom over for pie and coffee. It is great because you never know where you are going and you get to know new people. We had a great visit with 2 couples who both have kids our age, so they aren't really in our usual social network. It is great to get to know people who you worship with regularly but don't really know. Then payed some games with the kids till bed time. We love games!
Today was work for me and then a good workout (for me that is laying Dance Dance Revolution). Now I'm feeling like I need to post something.
So here is the card I gave my Grandma for her birthday. It is simple but she loved it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Purple Chick

Hello all. CPS is celebrating their 2nd anniversary and their 100th sketch with what else but a Scketch challenge. This one has big prizes including getting published! The editor of CardMaker magazine is going to pick 2 cards to publish in their September 09 issue. How exciting is that? I couldn't emigine getting published (though I so hope I will some day).

So here is the sketch.

I found this one really hard. I just started doing sketches and this one milled around in my head for a long time. Well, without further babbling by me here is what I came up with.
If you can't tell from the picture the The cutout that the chick is in goes to the inside of the card. It's kind of fun because you can wined up the chick and then when the person who recieves the card opens it,the chick with unwined / spin. I like cards with some animation.

You still have a little time to enter your creation (till midnight on Saturday Feb 7th) with this sketch just head to CPS's website here to check it out. the info is on the right sidebar.
Well I'm of to bed. I have loads of laundry to do tomorrow (sorry I couldn't help it, it's late).
God Bless

Friday, February 6, 2009

CPS 101 challenge

I made a card for the Card Positioning System weekly challenge 101.

Here is the sketch found here

I enjoy card sketches because it gives me a

starting point and a challenge.

Here is the card I came up with.

I love this flower. Can you believe everything it took to make it is from the dollerstore? The coloured parts of the flower are from a Hawian lei. I took it all apart and got lots of individual flowers in 6 colours. The white one is from a bunch of huge poofy white flowers from Dollerama that I took apart and I now have lots of white flowers, in 3 different sizes. Just so you know the brad, ribbon and DP (designer paper) also come from the Dollerama. I think I should be their poster girl, what do you think?
Thanks to CPS for this fun challenge!
God Bless you all

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Love Bug

Today I made my card for the Cuttlebug Challenge # 17.

The challenge was to make a "Love" card. I chose to make mine a Love Bug card.

I also added a little gift that can be used off the card as well.

Let me know what you think, and what you might like to see next.
God Bless

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My plans for this blog

My plans and hopes for this blog are many and few all at the same time. I hope to share somethings about myself and my life. I also hope to share some of my creations and tips for card making. I want to make "blogger friends". We will see where this can go, and I hope people will take this journey with me.